УДК: 681.785.552
On the theory of aberrations of a concave diffraction grating
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Бажанов Ю.В., Захарова Н.В. К теории аберраций вогнутой дифракционной решетки // Оптический журнал. 2010. Т. 77. № 4. С. 17–18.
Bazhanov Yu.V., Zakharova N.V. On the theory of aberrations of a concave diffraction grating [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 4. P. 17–18.
Yu. V. Bazhanov and N. V. Zakharova, "On the theory of aberrations of a concave diffraction grating," Journal of Optical Technology. 77(4), 237-238 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.77.000237
This paper discusses how expressions for the second-order aberration coefficients obtained by means of the optical path function and analytical expressions for accurately calculating the ray path are associated with semiempirical formulas that take first-order astigmatism into account. It is shown that these formulas need to be supplemented by including in them the dependence of the spectral image on defocusing.
aberration coefficients, concave diffraction gratings
OCIS codes: 080.2740, 050.1950, 080.1010