Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 4.
Laser physics and technique
Kim, G. H., Kang, Uk, Heo, D., Yashin, V.E., Kulik, A.V., Sall, E.G., Chizhov, S.A.
A compact femtosecond generator based on an Yb:KYW crystal with direct laser-diode pumpingCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Zverev, V.A., Timoshchuk, I.N.
The aberrational properties of a thin lens as an element of a composite optical systemBazhanov, Y.V., Zakharova, N.V.
On the theory of aberrations of a concave diffraction gratingIconics - the science of the image
Potapov, A.S., Averkin, A.N.
Differential-spectral shift-invariant image representation as applied to the Fourier–Mellin methodSamoylin, E.A.
Discrimination of image signals on a background of bimodal Gaussoid pulsed noise, optimal by the combined-limitation criterionOptical instrumentation and technology
Miroshnikov, M.M., Lyubarskii S.V., Lyubarskii N.K.
Optical mirrors for infrared space astronomyKanaev, I.I., Kiriyan, T.R., Shkutova, N.A., Shumakher, A.V., Naumov, K.N., Devyatkin, A.V., Nikiforov, V.V., Rusakov, O.P., Kondratenko, I.N., Gorshanov, D.L., Kupriyanov, V.V.
L. A. Sukharev Pulkovo Meridional Automatic Horizontal Instrument (MAGIS)Kuznetsov, A.V.
Estimating the measurable temperature range of a television spectral-ratio pyrometerStrakhov, S.Y., Perkhina, E.V.
Determining the sensitivity of the frustrated-total-internal-reflection method as applied to the problem of detecting small amounts of substances on objectsNazarov, V.N., Ivanov, A.N.
Using the moiré effect to create high-accuracy diffraction systems for monitoring the geometrical parameters of objectsBelov, N.P., Pokoptseva, O.K., Sherstobitova, A.S., Yaskov, A.D.
Optospectral whiteness sensor and its use for monitoring the process of chlorine bleaching of celluloseOptical material science and technology
Prunenko, E.K.
Investigating the spectral characteristics and optical constants of surface-colored eyeglass lensesZamyatin, A.A., Makovetskiy, A.A., Milyavskiy, Y.S.
Die method of depositing a protective coating from a thermoplastic polymer melt onto a quartz optical fiber as it is being drawn