УДК: 520.2.02
L. A. Sukharev Pulkovo Meridional Automatic Horizontal Instrument (MAGIS)
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Канаев И.И., Кирьян Т.Р., Шкутова Н.А., Шумахер А.В., Наумов К.Н., Девяткин А.В., Никифоров В.В., Русаков О.П., Кондратенко И.Н., Горшанов Д.Л., Куприянов В.В. Пулковский меридианный автоматический горизонтальный инструмент им. Л.А. Сухарева (МАГИС) // Оптический журнал. 2010. Т. 77. № 4. С. 41–49.
Kanaev I.I., Kiriyan T.R., Shkutova N.A., Shumakher A.V., Naumov K.N., Devyatkin A.V., Nikiforov V.V., Rusakov O.P., Kondratenko I.N., Gorshanov D.L., Kupriyanov V.V. L. A. Sukharev Pulkovo Meridional Automatic Horizontal Instrument (MAGIS) [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 4. P. 41–49.
I. I. Kanaev, T. R. Kir’yan, N. A. Shkutova, A. V. Shumakher, K. N. Naumov, A. V. Devyatkin, V. V. Nikiforov, O. P. Rusakov, I. N. Kondratenko, D. L. Gorshanov, and V. V. Kupriyanov, "L. A. Sukharev Pulkovo Meridional Automatic Horizontal Instrument (MAGIS)," Journal of Optical Technology. 77(4), 257-263 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.77.000257
This paper describes the design features of the MAGIS horizontal-type meridional telescope of the Pulkovo Observatory and its operating principle. Questions are considered of the technological and metrological basis for choosing the materials for its subassemblies. The transit circle of MAGIS is intended for differential determinations of the coordinates (right ascensions and declinations) of objects to 17th stellar magnitude on the celestial sphere in the B, V, and R bands of the Johnson photometric system and in the integral sensitivity band of the detector.
horizontal-type telescope, astronomical optics
OCIS codes: 110.6770, 350.1260