УДК: 57.086, 535.33
Quantitative determination of the calcium-ion concentration from fluorescence measurements of single-wavelength dyes by means of laser-scanning microscopy
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Захаров Ю.Н., Ершова А.В. Количественное определение содержания ионов кальция по измерениям флуоресценции однодлинноволновых красителей с помощью лазерной сканирующей микроскопии // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 10. С. 36–37.
Zakharov Yu.N., Ershova A.V. Quantitative determination of the calcium-ion concentration from fluorescence measurements of single-wavelength dyes by means of laser-scanning microscopy [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 10. P. 36–37.
Yu. N. Zakharov and A. V. Ershova, "Quantitative determination of the calcium-ion concentration from fluorescence measurements of single-wavelength dyes by means of laser-scanning microscopy," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(10), 664-665 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000664
This paper discusses the problem of obtaining reliable quantitative experimental data when the functional activity of brain cells is studied by fluorescence microscopy, using specific calcium dyes. A method is developed for determining the calcium-ion concentration from the current fluorescence intensity at a single wavelength, starting from the coloration protocol and the excitation conditions and making it unnecessary to carry out calibration in each experiment.
spectroscopy, fluorescence, fluorescence microscopy, functional analysis, cells study, biophotonics
OCIS codes: 170.6280, 170.2520, 170.2655, 170.1530, 170.3880