УДК: 621.383
Passive cryogenic system for cooling a geostationary satellite
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Абросимов А.И., Пичхадзе К.М., Сысоев В.К., Верлан А.А., Lu Yan, Liu Dingzhen, Wang Shangang, Li Zhong Пассивная криогенная система охлаждения для геостационарного спутника // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 11. С. 73–77.
Abrosimov A.I., Pichkhadze K.M., Sysoev V.K., Verlan A.A., Lu Yan, Liu Dingzhen, Wang Shangang, Li Zhong Passive cryogenic system for cooling a geostationary satellite [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 11. P. 73–77.
A. I. Abrosimov, K. M. Pichhadze, V. K. Sysoev, A. A. Verlan, Lu Yan, Liu Dingzhen, Wang Shangang, and Li Zhong, "Passive cryogenic system for cooling a geostationary satellite," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(11), 744-747 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000744
This paper describes a passive cryogenic system developed with a rotatable sunshade intended for cooling the photodetectors on a geostationary spacecraft. The temperatures of the main design elements and the loading curve of the system are given, obtained experimentally in a liquid-helium cryovacuum chamber.
passive emitting heat exchangers, cryogenic systems, geostationary satellite
OCIS codes: 120.4640,120.0280, 350.1240, 350.6050