Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 11.
Physical optics
Dirin, D.N., Sokolikova, M.S., Vasiliev, R.B., Gaskov, A.M.
Extinction and luminescence coefficients of CdSe/CdTe, CdTe/CdSe, and CdTe/CdS heterostructures based on colloidal CdSe and CdTe nanocrystalsAdrianov, V.E., Maslov, V.G., Baranov, A.V., Fedorov, A.V., Artemiev, М.V.
Spectral study of the self-organization of quantum dots during the evaporation of colloidal solutionsCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Gan, M.A., Nikulina, E.A.
Determining the topography of the birefringence in fluorite crystals and a study of how it affects the image quality of photolithographic projection systemsLebedev, O.A., Sabinin, V.E., Solk, S.V.
A large multispectral objectiveChuprakov, S.А.
Designing light-proof hoods in a mirror-Wright optical system with a small tilt angle of the mirror planoidHolography
Bekyasheva, Z.S., Pavlov, A.V.
How filtering affects the statistical characteristics of images when a linear-predictor model is implemented by Fourier holographyKhonina, S.N., Kazanskiy, N.L., Ustinov, A.V., Volotovskiy, S.G.
The lensacon: nonparaxial effectsIconics - the science of the image
Averkin, A.N., Potapov, A.S.
Using the method of depth reconstruction from focusing for microscope imagesOptical instrumentation and technology
Agafonova, D.S., Sidorov, A.I.
Fiber-optic indicator of the appearance of a spark and an arc with spectral conversion of the radiation to be detectedKrat, S.A., Filatov, A.A., Khristich, V.V.
Setup for summing the light fluxes from a set of gas-discharge lamps for a solar-radiation simulatorAbrosimov, A.I., Pichkhadze, K.M., Sysoev, V.K., Verlan, A.A., Yan, Lu, Dingzhen, Liu, Shangang, Wang, Zhong, Li
Passive cryogenic system for cooling a geostationary satelliteOptical material science and technology
Dukelskiy, K.V., Evstropiev, S.K.
Forming nanosize Y2O3:Eu3+ coatings on glass surfaces, using solutions containing polyvinylpyrrolidoneGorokhova, E.I., Rodniy, P.A., Chernenko, K.A., Ananieva, G.V., Eronko, S.B., Oreshchenko, E.A., Khodyuk, I.V., Lokshin, E.P., Kunshina, G.B., Gromov, O.G., Lott, K.
Structural, optical, and scintillation characteristics of ZnO ceramicsAsnis, L.N., Burunkova, Y.E., Veniaminov, A.V., Knysh, A.S., Minozhenko, O.A.
Features of the optical and nonlinear-optical characteristics of multilayer DAST crystals