УДК: 681.7.064.46
Taking the width of the scanning slit into account when measuring the optical parameters of linear tunable narrow-band filters
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Азаматов М.Х., Валеев Ш.Ш., Гайнутдинов К.Н., Нагимов И.Х. Учет влияния ширины сканирующей щели при измерении оптических параметров линейных перестраиваемых узкополосных фильтров // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 3. С. 88–91.
Azamatov M.Kh., Valeev Sh.Sh., Gaynutdinov K.N., Nagimov I.Kh. Taking the width of the scanning slit into account when measuring the optical parameters of linear tunable narrow-band filters [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 3. P. 88–91.
M. Kh. Azamatov, Sh. Sh. Valeev, K. N. Gaĭnutdinov, and I. Kh. Nagimov, "Taking the width of the scanning slit into account when measuring the optical parameters of linear tunable narrow-band filters," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(3), 221-223 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000221
This article gives an estimate of how the maximum transmittance and the relative half-width of linear tunable narrow-band filters depend on the size of the scanning slit and presents a mathematical model of this dependence for filters whose designs correspond to a Fabry–Perot filter.
tunable narrow-band filter, scanning slit
OCIS codes: 310.6860