УДК: 53.084
The RUSALKA device for measuring the carbon dioxide and methane concentration in the atmosphere from on board the International Space Station
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Кораблев О.И., Трохимовский А.Ю., Виноградов И.И., Федорова А.А., Иванов А.Ю., Калинников Ю.К., Титов А.Ю., Калюжный А.В., Родин А.В., Кострова Е.А., Венкстерн А.А., Барке В.В., Смирнов Ю.В., Полуаршинов М.А., Ростэ О.З. Прибор "РУСАЛКА" для измерения содержания углекислого газа и метана в атмосфере с борта международной космической станции // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 5. С. 44–58.
Korablev O.I., Trokhimovskiy A.Yu., Vinogradov I.I., Fedorova A.A., Ivanov A.Yu., Kalinnikov Yu.K., Titov A.Yu., Kalyuzhniy A.V., Rodin A.V., Kostrova E.A., Venkstern A.A., Barke V.V., Smirnov Yu.V., Poluarshinov M.A., Roste O.Z. The RUSALKA device for measuring the carbon dioxide and methane concentration in the atmosphere from on board the International Space Station [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 5. P. 44–58.
O. I. Korablev, Yu. K. Kalinnikov, A. Yu. Titov, A. V. Rodin, Yu. V. Smirnov, M. A. Poluarshinov, E. A. Kostrova, A. V. Kalyuzhnyĭ, A. Yu. Trokhimovskiĭ, I. I. Vinogradov, A. A. Fedorova, A. Yu. Ivanov, A. A. Venkstern, V. V. Barke, and O. Z. Rosté, "The RUSALKA device for measuring the carbon dioxide and methane concentration in the atmosphere from on board the International Space Station," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(5), 317-327 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000317
The high-resolution near-IR RUSALKA spectrometer is intended for developing a technique for measuring the carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in the atmosphere from on board the International Space Station. It consists of two main elements: an echelle spectrometer and an acoustooptic tunable filter used to select the diffraction orders of the grating. The device provides high resolving power (at least 20 000) in the 0.73–1.68 −µ m region, is compact, has low weight, and contains no moving parts. The concentrations of the gases are determined from the unsaturated lines of the CO2 band (1.58 µm) and the CH4 band (1.65 µm). This paper describes the technical characteristics of the device as well as the results of its ground-based calibrations.
echelle spectrometer, IR band, atmospheric composition, greenhouse gases, space monitoring
OCIS codes: 010.1280, 120.0120, 300.6190