УДК: 541.64, 541.49, 541.148
Photo- and electroluminescence properties of complexes of europium with ligands incorporated in a poly-N-vinylcarbazole chain
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Якиманский А.В., Гойхман М.Я., Бочкарев М.Н., Подешво И.В., Ананьева Т.Д., Смыслов Р.Ю., Некрасова Т.Н., Лорецян Н.Л., Ильичев В.А., Конев А.Н. Фото- и электролюминесцентные свойства комплексов европия с лигандами, включенными в цепь поли-N-винилкарбазола // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 7. С. 17–22.
Yakimanskiy A.V., Goikhman M.Ya., Bochkarev M.N., Podeshvo I.V., Ananieva T.D., Smyslov R.Yu., Nekrasova T.N., Loretsyan N.L., Iliichev V.A., Konev A.N. Photo- and electroluminescence properties of complexes of europium with ligands incorporated in a poly-N-vinylcarbazole chain [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 7. P. 17–22.
A. V. Yakimanskiĭ, M. N. Bochkarev, V. A. Il’ichev, M. Ya. Goĭkhman, I. V. Podeshvo, A. N. Konev, T. D. Anan’eva, R. Yu. Smyslov, T. N. Nekrasova, and N. L. Loretsyan, "Photo- and electroluminescence properties of complexes of europium with ligands incorporated in a poly-N-vinylcarbazole chain," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(7), 430-434 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000430
New metal–polymer complexes have been synthesized that combine Eu(III) with a copolymer of N-vinylcarbazole and a methacrylate comonomer-ligand that contains chelate 2-(2-pyridyl)-quinoline groups. The photo- and electroluminescence properties of these metal–polymer complexes, containing from 0.6 to 5 mol% europium (in terms of a link of the copolymer ligand) have been studied. It is shown that the electroluminescence intensity decreases with increasing concentration of europium in these complexes, and this is probably associated with concentration quenching. In this case, the minimum switch-on voltage of the LEDs in which metal–polymer complexes are used as light-emitting layers is less than 6 V. The maximum luminance achieved is 40 cdm2.
metal–polymer complexes, rare earth metalls, electroluminescence, organic light emitting diodes
Acknowledgements:The research was supported by the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science of RAS (program "Electrically conducting and electroactive polymers", coordinator - academician of RAS Khokhlov A.R.) and the RFBR grant No. 09-03-12173-офи_м.
OCIS codes: 230.3670, 250.3680, 260.3800