УДК: 621.373.826.539
Study of the nanoclusters and microstructures that appear on the surface of silicates under the resonance action of CO2-laser radiation
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Мухамедгалиева А.Ф., Бондарь А.М., Кононов М.А., Лаптев В.Б., Новикова Н.Н., Шведов И.М. Исследование нанокластеров и микроструктур, возникающих на поверхности силикатов, при резонансном воздействии излучения СО2-лазера // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 8. С. 51–55.
Mukhamedgalieva A.F., Bondar A.M., Kononov M.A., Laptev V.B., Novikova N.N., Shvedov I.M. Study of the nanoclusters and microstructures that appear on the surface of silicates under the resonance action of CO2-laser radiation [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 8. P. 51–55.
A. F. Mukhamedgalieva, M. A. Kononov, V. B. Laptev, N. N. Novikova, A. M. Bondar’, and I. M. Shvedov, "Study of the nanoclusters and microstructures that appear on the surface of silicates under the resonance action of CO2-laser radiation," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(8), 508-511 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000508
This paper investigates the nanoclusters and periodic micron-size structures that appear on the surface of fused and crystalline quartz as well as on certain other natural silicates under the action of the radiation of a pulsed CO2 laser with pulse width 70 ns and energy per pulse 1 J. Various microscopic and IR-spectroscopic studies of the surface of the irradiated samples have been used to study the way in which these structures are formed. The nanoclusters were about 50–100 nm in size. The lengths of the lattice periods are about 7.3 µm on crystalline quartz and about 8 µm on fused quartz at a laser frequency of 975cm−1.
CO2 laser, fused quartz, crystalline quartz, silicates, nanoclusters, periodic structures, IR reflectance spectra
OCIS codes: 210.0210, 220.40000, 2204241, 240.0240, 300.0300