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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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УДК: 681.7.069.32: 519.246

Statistical characteristics of the speckle images of a scattered laser beam in the focal plane of a receiver objective

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Асанов С.В., Егоров М.С., Игнатьев А.Б., Морозов В.В., Резунков Ю.А., Савельева В.П., Степанов В.В. Статистические характеристики спеклованных изображений рассеянного лазерного пучка в фокальной плоскости приемного объектива // Оптический журнал. 2012. Т. 79. № 9. С. 23–29.
Egorov M.S., Asanov S.V., Ignatiev A.B., Rezunkov Yu.A., Savelyeva V.P., Morozov, V.V., Stepanov V.V.  Statistical characteristics of the speckle images of a scattered laser beam in the focal plane of a receiver objective  [in English] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 9. P. 23–29.


For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

M. S. Egorov, S. V. Asanov, A. B. Ignatiev, Yu. A. Rezunkov, V. P. Savelyeva, V. V. Morozov, and V. V. Stepanov, "Statistical characteristics of the speckle images of a scattered laser beam in the focal plane of a receiver objective," Journal of Optical Technology. 79(9), 545-549 (2012).


This paper reports a study of the speckle images of a scattered laser beam in the focal plane of a receiver objective, experimentally recorded by a photodetector array, as a function of the laser-pulse energy, the illumination angle of the objective, and the spectral composition of the radiation. Regularities are revealed that connect the statistical parameters of the images under various irradiation conditions. It is shown that the speckles obey Gaussian statistics only at small angles of illumination of the receiver objective.


optoelectronic devices, laser radiation, sintered images, digital image processing

OCIS codes: 230.2090, 120.6150, 100.2000


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