DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2023-90-02-26-36
Parametric study of the transient period characteristics of distributed feedback laser diodes
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
H. K. Hisham, S. B. A. Anas, M. H. Abu Bakar, M. T. Alresheedi, A. F. Abas, M. A. Mahdi. Parametric study of the transient period characteristics of distributed feedback laser diodes (Повышение производительности лазерного диода коротковолнового ультрафиолетового излучения на основе AlGaN с помощью низколегированного двухступенчатого волновода) [ на англ. языке] // Оптический журнал. 2023. Т. 90. № 2. С. 26–36.
H. K. Hisham, S. B. A. Anas, M. H. Abu Bakar, M. T. Alresheedi, A. F. Abas, M. A. Mahdi. Parametric study of the transient period characteristics of distributed feedback laser diodes (Повышение производительности лазерного диода коротковолнового ультрафиолетового излучения на основе AlGaN с помощью низколегированного двухступенчатого волновода) [in English] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2023. V. 90. № 2. P. 26–36.
Hisham Kadhum Hisham, Siti Barirah Ahmad Anas, Muhammad Hafiz Abu Bakar, Mohammed Thamer Alresheedi, Ahmad Fauzi Abas, and Mohd Adzir Mahdi, "Parametric study of the transient period characteristics of distributed feedback laser diodes," Journal of Optical Technology. 90(2), 68-74 (2023).
Subject of study. The operating response characteristics for distributed feedback laser model are presented. Purpose of the work. A numerical optimization of model parameters is used to reduce the laser transient period by analyzing the effects of the laser injection current, the temperature variation, the dc-bias level, and the gain compression factor on transient period characteristics. Method. The transient period value decreases when the current ratio (i.e. injection current/threshold current) is increased. Main results. Significant reduction is observed in the relaxation oscillation period and the laser turn-on time delay as the effect of increasing the injection current and/or the biasing current. Practical significance. However, varying temperatures resulted in distributed feedback operating in the off-mode region due to increasing the transient period value. Meanwhile, the relaxation oscillation period value is reduced significantly with a faster stabilization period due to the damped sinusoidal oscillations as a result of increasing the e value.
distributed feedback diodes, semiconductor lasers, dynamic characteristics, transient response, numerical analysis
OCIS codes: 140.0140.
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