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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2023-90-09-45-54

УДК: 681.7.066.3 + 681.7.062 + 520.2.062 + 520.2.066 + 681.7.055.34 + 681.7.063 + 681.7.053

The possibility of using cylindrical on-axis computer-generated holograms for controlling the shape of large-sized aspheric surfaces

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Мельников А.Н. Возможность применения цилиндрических осевых синтезированных голограмм для контроля формы крупногабаритных асферических поверхностей // Оптический журнал. 2023. Т. 90. № 9. С. 45–54.


Melnikov A.N. The possibility of using cylindrical on-axis computer-generated holograms for controlling the shape of large-sized aspheric surfaces [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2023. V. 90. № 9. P. 45–54.


For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):
A. N. Melnikov, "Possibility of using cylindrical on-axis computer-generated holograms for controlling the shape of large-sized aspheric surfaces," Journal of Optical Technology. 90(9), 517-522 (2023).

Subject of study. A new possible approach to the implementation of technological and certification control with interferometric shape accuracy of large-sized aspherical surfaces of monolithic and composite mirrors based on the use of cylindrical axial computer-generated compensator holograms. The aim of study is the development of a complex of technological methods and means based on the use of cylindrical on-axis computer-generated holograms that remove the fundamental restrictions on the size of one-piece and composite mirrors of modern optical telescopes during laser-holographic shape control of their large-sized aspheric working surfaces. The method is based on the use of laser-holographic control of the shape of optical part surfaces effectuated by means of cylindrical on-axis computer-generated compensator holograms, linking together the results of interferogram deciphering and building the topography of the surface under control, and making replica holograms via precision replication or stamping techniques. Main results. New technical and methodological approaches have been proposed to solve the problem of shape control of large-sized aspheric surfaces of one-piece and composite mirrors of telescopes in terms of the possibilities of removing their size restrictions. Ground has been given to ways of reducing the cost of compensator holograms and conducting control operations (by an order of magnitude or more), as well as reducing the effect of diamond tool wear on the cutting accuracy of the diffraction structure of cylindrical master holograms. A possibility of using thin-film cylindrical on-axis computer-generated replica holograms to control and align the shape of space-based optical telescope mirrors has been considered. Practical relevance. The proposed approaches are meant for realization in the process of interferometric-accuracy technological and calibration control of the shape of large-sized aspheric surfaces of one-piece and composite telescope mirrors both in shop conditions and in space. Using cylindrical on-axis computer-generated compensator holograms (mainly as replica holograms) opens up a possibility to get information on the accuracy of manufacturing the shape of large-sized aspheric surfaces by its profile of individual sections in the non-contact mode. The proposed solutions will provide a manifold reduction of time and energy costs for manufacturing compensator holograms and their cost in general.


one-piece and composite mirrors, large-sized aspheric surfaces, laser-holographic surface shape control, cylindrical on-axis computer-generated compensator hologram, pendulum-type ruling engine, master hologram, precision replication, stamping, replica hologram, thin-film replica hologram, composite on-axis computer-generated compensator hologram

OCIS codes: 240.6700, 220.1250, 220.3630, 230.4040, 110.6770, 120.4630, 090.2880, 090.2890, 220.4610, 220.4840, 160.5470


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