DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-11-12-23
УДК: 621.397
A hierarchical list system for detecting and tracking point weakly emitting objects by image sequence
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Меденников П.А., Павлов Н.И. Иерархическая система списков для обнаружения и сопровождения точечных слабоизлучающих объектов по последовательности изображений // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 11. С. 12–23.
Medennikov P.A., Pavlov N.I. A hierarchical list system for detecting and tracking point weakly emitting objects by image sequence [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 11. P. 12–23.
Subject of study. The problem of detection and tracking of point weakly emitting moving objects. Aim of study. Development of an image sequence processing method for stable detection and tracking of objects with low signal-to-noise ratios. Method. The main feature of the proposed image sequence processing method is the operation with a hierarchical list system: a list of targets, an initial list and a buffer list. All marks found during intra-frame image processing and which did not associate with the objects from these lists are entered in the buffer list located at the lower level of the hierarchy. If the frame mark successfully associates with the buffer list object, it is transferred to the initial list. Candidates for track initiation are gathered there, and are transferred to the list of targets upon confirmation of the corresponding condition. Various rules are used for association of frame marks with objects in these lists, rules for recalculating track and energy characteristics, as well as various conditions for holding an object in the list. Main results. A method is proposed that allows objects with a low probability of detection on a single frame to be detected and tracked. The efficiency of the proposed method is confirmed by the conducted statistical experiments. Practical significance. Application of the developed method will increase the detection range and stability of tracking poorly visible objects in real-time detection systems.
point target detection, target tracking, images sequence processing, track maintenance, data association
OCIS codes: 100.4999
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