DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-11-24-33
УДК: 004.93’11
Feature detector for space hyperspectral images
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Касоев Г.Р. Детектор ключевых точек для гиперспектральных космических изображений // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 11. С. 24–33.
Kasoev G.R. Feature detector for space hyperspectral images [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 11. P. 24–33.
Subject of study. Methods of feature detecting with application to processing of multichannel hyperspectral images, obtained with space-based devices specifically with optical split of channels. Aim of study. To develop or modify existing feature detector, working under constraints of hyperspectral imaging: different sensors, various absolute levels of intensity and signal-to-noise ratio in different channels. Method. Spectral information of visible and infrared range is used to enhance feature detection algorithm, usually working only with panchromatic data. Main results. Conducted literature study showed the detector, outperforming in image processing time: Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF. However, the algorithm is problematic to apply for single spectral channel images as grayscale due to low contrast values of data, which leads to low detection rate of strong features. Number of detected points increased after adding spectral information to the detector. Algorithm was tested on the data of the data of Hyperion. Algorithm is compared to conventional Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF paired with histogram equalization and Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF with lowered detection threshold. Proposed algorithm’s accuracy is higher by 11% and faster by 20% on average. Practical significance. The method obtained in this study will be the basis for stitching images obtained with hyperspectral camera with splitted optical channels for visible and infrared range, based on the International Space Station.
hyperspectrometer, feature, feature detector, image stitching
OCIS codes: 100.5760, 100.3008, 100.4145
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