DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-11-54-62
УДК: 535.2
Time-domain model of signal transformation in a semiconductor optical amplifier for bit error rate estimation along a communication line
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Илюшин П.Я., Шипило Д.Е., Николаева И.А., Панов Н.А., Косарева О.Г. Времяразрешенная модель трансформации сигнала в полупроводниковом оптическом усилителе для расчета ошибки передачи по линии связи // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 11. С. 54–62.
Ilyushin P.Y., Shipilo D.E., Nikolaeva I.A., Panov N.A., Kosareva O.G. Time-domain model of signal transformation in a semiconductor optical amplifier for bit error rate estimation along a communication line [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 11. P. 54–62.
Subject of study. Fiber optical line containing semiconductor optical amplifiers; spontaneous emission and nonlinearity in semiconductor amplifiers as effects leading to digital signal transmission errors. Goal of the work. Development of a fiber communication line model with built-in semiconductor optical amplifiers that takes into account sources of distortion of weak and strong signals — spontaneous emission of the amplifiers’ active medium and nonlinearity in it respectively. Method. The study was carried out using numerical simulation. The model takes into account the propagation of radiation along a 100 km long optical fiber span, leading to its significant dispersive spreading and absorption. The average power of laser radiation after the fiber span determines the quasi-stationary operating mode of the amplifier, including the power of spontaneous radiation in it. In this mode, the transformation of a quadrature-modulated signal in a semiconductor amplifier is calculated. Main results. A numerical model of a fiber-optic communication line with built-in semiconductor optical amplifiers has been developed. Based on the created model, an analysis of the information loss carried by a quadrature-modulated signal due to the effects of gain dispersion, gain saturation and spontaneous emission of the amplifier’s active medium in the communication line was carried out. It was found that with a laser pulse duration of 12 ps or more, the amplifier’s input power dynamic range exceeds 20 dBm (from –37.5 to –17.5 dBm). Within these limits, compensation of distortion introduced by amplifiers is not required. Practical significance. The results obtained in this work can be used to increase the information transmission speed in fiber communication lines over distances of hundreds to thousands of kilometers.
semiconductor amplifier, quadrature modulation, fiber-optic communication line, spontaneous emission
OCIS codes: 060.1660, 140.5960
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