DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-11-71-81
УДК: 541.182:535.36
Influence of the of the diamond particles surface layer on the their sols refractive index
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Петров М.П., Везо О.С., Войтылов А.В., Войтылов В.В., Трусов А.А. Влияние поверхностного слоя частиц алмаза на показатель преломления их золей // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 11. С. 71–81.
Petrov M.P., Vezo O.S., Voitylov A.V., Vojtylov V.V., Trusov A.A. Influence of the diamond particles surface layer on the their sols refractive index [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 11. P. 71–81.
Subject of study. Study of the influence of the surface layer of nanoparticles on the refractive index of their hydrosols. Aim of study. Development of an optical technique for studying the surface layer of particles in liquid polydisperse systems. Approbation of it for the analysis of nanodiamond particles. Method. It includes the experimental determination of relative changes in the refractive index and absolute changes in the density of systems with varying particle concentrations. Main results. Calculations were carried out using the Mie theory, which showed that the refractive index of diamond hydrosols weakly depends on the size of diamond particles if they do not exceed a fifth of the wavelength of the light used in research, and their volume fraction does not change. This made it possible to expand the range of applicability of the theory of refraction of small particles scattering light as dipoles. Diamond hydrosols with particles of different sizes were studied, for which the volume fraction of amorphous carbon on their surface was determined. Practical significance. The considered method can be used to analyze the surface cleaning of nanodiamond particles during its production.
refraction, hydrosols, nanodiamond, amorphous carbon
Acknowledgements:the work was carried out with the technical support of resource centers “Interdisciplinary Resource Center in the field of Nanotechnology”, “X-ray diffraction research methods” and “Centre for Diagnostics of Functional Materials for Medicine, Pharmacology and Nanoelectronics” of the Science Park of Saint Petersburg State University, within the framework of project No. АААА-А19-119091190094-6
OCIS codes: 260.0260, 290.0290, 350.0350
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