DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-01-100-111
УДК: 53.06, 57.089
Optical method for rapid diagnosis of kidney disease at an early stage
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Давыдов В.В., Проводин Д.С., Вакорина Д.В., Везо О.С. Оптический метод экспресс-диагностики болезни почек на ранней стадии // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 1. С. 100–111.
Davydov V.V., Provodin D.S., Vakorina D.V., Vezo O.S. Optical method for rapid diagnosis of kidney disease at an early stage [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 1. P. 100–111.
Subject of study. Obtaining reliable information about the condition of the kidneys from urine samples in real time when establishing a diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of drugs using the method developed in the work. Aim of study. Development of a new method for rapid diagnosis of kidney condition in real time based on refractometric measurements of the refractive indices of urine samples. Method. The refractive index measuring of urine samples from one sample at four wavelengths of laser radiation without making changes to the state of the sample (with one device — a mobile refractometer with a measurement error of 0.00005). Main results. The proposed method of kidney condition express monitoring has a reliability high degree, which is confirmed by the results of experimental studies of urine samples and clinical examination of patients in whom abnormalities in kidney function were identified during express monitoring. A design of a mobile refractometer has been developed to implement the new method. Experimental results have been obtained for measuring the refractive index of urine samples, which correspond to patients with early-stage kidney disease at different temperatures. Practical significance. The developed method and devices for its implementation will solve the problems that arise when obtaining reliable information about the condition of the kidneys in real time, both in outpatient centers, clinics, and district hospitals when making a diagnosis or monitoring the effectiveness of drugs during a course of treatment, and in large medical centers.
refractive index, wavelength, measurement error, reliability
OCIS codes: 020.3690
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