DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-01-13-20
УДК: 602.17, 535.45
The atmospheric discharges influence on the rate of cryptographic key generation in quantum communication systems
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Белова О.С., Болотов Д.В., Бушуев Э.Ю., Грычкин С.Е., Казанцев С.Ю., Казиева Т.В., Колесников О.В., Строганова Е.П. Влияние атмосферных разрядов на скорость генерации криптографического ключа в системах квантовой коммуникации // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 1. С. 13–20.
Belova O.S., Bolotov D.V., Bushuev E.Yu., Grychkin S.E., Kazantsev S.Yu., Kazieva T.V., Kolesnikov O.V., Stroganova E.P. The atmospheric discharges influence on the rate of cryptographic key generation in quantum communication systems [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 1. P. 13–20.
Subject of study. Technology of quantum key distribution in fiber-optic communication lines under the influence of electromagnetic fields generated by atmospheric discharges. Aim of study. Creation of a stand for testing experimental techniques for studying the atmospheric discharges influence on the transmission of a quantum key in fiber-optic communication lines. Method. Experimental studies of the characteristics of a quantum communication channel under conditions of exposure of a coil with an optical fiber to a magnetic field from a pulsed current. Main results. An experimental stand has been created and methods have been developed to evaluate the influence of magnetic fields arising from atmospheric discharges (lightning) on the transmission speed of a quantum key in fiber-optic communication lines. It has been shown that quantum key distribution blocks, which implement the BB84 phase-encoding protocol, operate stably when the optical cable is exposed to alternating magnetic fields of up to 1.2 mT. However, the very fact of exposure to magnetic fields above 0.8 mT can be detected by a systematic decrease in the quantum transmission rate key and increase in the level of quantum errors QBER by 0.5–1%. Practical significance. The created laboratory bench and methods make it possible to test various optical cables through which qubits are transmitted for the effects of magnetic fields. Fiber-optic networks through which qubits are transmitted can serve as a distributed lightning sensor; on a segment of the optical network where a lightning discharge generates strong magnetic fields, an increase in the level of quantum errors and a decrease in the rate of quantum key formation will be recorded.
: quantum communications, fiber-optic communication lines, lightning, atmospheric discharges, quantum key distribution
OCIS codes: 060.5530, 050.1590, 060.5625
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