DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-01-21-29
УДК: 621.396.363:621.373.826
Ultrafast scanning of space by pulse-periodic chirped laser radiation by two orthogonal coordinates
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Малинов В.А., Павлов Н.И., Попиков В.С., Чарухчев А.В. Сверхбыстрое сканирование пространства импульсно-периодическим чирпированным лазерным излучением по двум ортогональным координатам // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 1. С. 21–29.
Malinov V.A., Pavlov N.I., Popikov V.S., Charukhchev A.V. Ultrafast scanning of space by pulse-periodic chirped laser radiation by two orthogonal coordinates [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 1. P. 21–29.
Subject of study. A laser system for ultrafast scanning of space with pulse-periodic chirped pulses based on a femtosecond master oscillator on a Yb:KYW crystal with diode pumping and a delay line with a large dispersion of the group delay time. Aim of study. Experimental realization for ultrafast scanning of space by pulse-periodic chirped laser radiation of subnanosecond duration in the task of detecting and determining the coordinates of small-sized objects of location using two diffraction gratings with orthogonal main sections by two angular coordinates. Method. Physical simulation of the operation of an ultrafast scanning system using a specially designed laser facility. Main results. A laser installation based on a femtosecond master oscillator on a Yb:KYW crystal with diode pumping and a delay line with a large time dispersion of the group delay has been developed to simulate the operation of an optical-location system using chirped laser pulses. The results of measurements of the temporal, spectral and power characteristics of laser radiation are described. The possibility of ultrafast scanning of space by two orthogonal coordinates using two diffraction gratings is demonstrated. Practical significance. The method of ultrafast scanning of space with chirped laser radiation has been experimentally tested. It is of interest for designing high-speed, high-precision laser location systems operating in the near infrared range of the spectrum.
optical-location system, chirped laser pulses, ultrafast scanning
OCIS codes: 040.3060, 120.0120, 140.2020, 280.0280
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