DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-01-53-67
УДК: 004.932.2
Edge-directed image interpolation as neuromorphic decoding of their sampling representations
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Анциперов В.Е., Кершнер В.А. Пограничная интерполяция изображений как метод нейроморфного декодирования их выборочных представлений // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 1. С. 53–67.
Antsiperov V.E., Kershner V.A. Edge-directed image interpolation as neuromorphic decoding of their sampling representations [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 1. P. 53–67.
Subject of study is the synthesis of data processing and analysis procedures in the form of event streams for image encoding and decoding tasks based on neuroiconics. Aim of study. A model of neuromorphic encoding and subsequent decoding of video data, algorithms for image recovery and object detection. Method. A sampling representation of images is used. Based on the statistics of the sampling representation, a generative encoder model is formed, which is a joint distribution of input and encoded data in the form of a mixture of components. To model the mechanisms of lateral inhibition, the structure of a system of receptive fields is introduced. Main results. The modeling of the mechanisms of primary neuro-processing of video data in the periphery of the visual system is implemented, neuromorphic type procedures for encoding and restoring images are synthesized. The experience of numerical testing and optimization of the developed algorithms has shown that it is possible to avoid computational problems associated with processing massive data and adapt the approach to modern neural network tasks. Practical significance. The synthesized procedures can be used in modern communication systems, as well as in related tasks of searching, identifying, etc. objects in digital images. In addition, the proposed approach can be used as a basis for the analysis/synthesis of other neuromorphic information systems focused on working with data streams.
neuromorphic systems, neuroiconics, sampling representation, neural coding, receptive field system, adaptive filtering, edge directed image interpolation
OCIS codes: 100.2960, 100.3020, 330.4060
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