DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-02-3-15
УДК: 535.514
Polarizing anamorphic prism with collinear input and output laser beams
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Давыдов Б.Л., Крылов А.А. Поляризующая призма-анаморфот с коллинеарными входным и выходным пучками лазерного излучения // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 2. С. 3–15.
Davydov B.L., Krylov A.A. Polarizing anamorphic prism with collinear input and output laser beams [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 2. P. 3–15.
Subject of study. An optical prism made from contemporary birefringent crystals of YVO4, GdVO4, TiO2 or α-BaB2O4 for size variation (anamorphosis) of a collimated laser beam that also possesses a polarizing effect. Aim of study. Numerical modeling of the crystalline anamorphic prism with collinear (paraxial) input and output laser beams that also possesses a polarizing effect, on the basis of anisotropic crystals with large refraction and birefringence indices as well as much higher thermoconductivity coefficients as compared to common optical glasses. Method. An essential feature of prism design is double total internal reflection of laser radiation inside a prism that allows to realize collinearity of an input non-polarized beam and an output beam with p-polarization (p-beam). Strong birefringence of the proposed crystals makes a prism to be a high-quality polarizer as well with two collimated linearly polarized beams propagating at different angles at its output. The prism is characterized by minimal reflection losses owing to refraction at Bruster angle of an output p-beam at one of the prism faces and normal incidence on the input face with interferometric antireflection coating. Main results. It is obtained that with acceptable reflection loss values for an output p-beam at the level of 1%, anamorphic prisms designed for definite operation wavelengths, can be applied in much broader spectral bands. In this context it is worth emphasizing a prism from undoped crystalline GdVO4, in which it is observed a weak dependence of output beam parameters on an operation wavelength in the broad spectral window between 0,4 μm an 2,0 μm. Taking into account the property of “spectral independence” together with high refraction and birefringence indices for both ordinary and extraordinary waves, undoped GdVO4 crystal can be used in polarization optics for developing elements with a weak spectral dependence of output parameters. Practical significance. The results of numerical modeling of anamorphic polarizing prisms can be useful in designing prototypes of the devices for high-power laser diode radiation coupling into multimode fibers as well as for developing laser scanners and deflectors.
laser radiation, anamorphic prism, crystalline polarizer, collinear optical beams, Bruster refraction, birefringence, YVO4, GdVO4, TiO2, α-BaB2O4 crystals
OCIS codes: 120.4640, 230.1360, 230.5480, 240.5440, 260.1180
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