DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-02-41-55
УДК: 535.231.15
Determination of coupling heights of wavefront correctors of multi-conjugate adaptive optical systems based on atmospheric turbulence models
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Мальцев Г.Н., Кошкаров А.С. Определение высот сопряжения корректоров волнового фронта многосопряжённых адаптивных оптических систем на основе моделей атмосферной турбулентности // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 2. С. 41–55.
Maltsev G.N., Koshkarov A.S. Determination of coupling heights of wavefront correctors of multi-conjugate adaptive optical systems based on atmospheric turbulence models [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 2. P. 41–55.
Study subject. The methodology and results of analytical determination of the coupling heights of wavefront correctors of multi-conjugate adaptive optical systems based on atmospheric turbulence models are presented. The purpose of the work. Substantiation of the methodology for the analytical determination of the coupling heights of wavefront correctors of multi-conjugate adaptive optical systems based on atmospheric turbulence models. Main results. For the standard atmospheric model, the influence of different layers of atmospheric turbulence on the magnitude of the anisoplanatism error is analysed and it is shown that the heights of the layers with which the wavefront correctors mate in the case of multi-conjugate adaptive correction are approximately the same at different degrees of atmospheric turbulence. The values of residual errors of anisoplanatism and spatial approximation of atmospheric phase distortions at multiconjugate adaptive phase correction and the number of subapertures required for the first wavefront corrector conjugated to the surface layer of the atmosphere and for other wavefront correctors conjugated to the upper layers of the atmosphere are compared. It is shown that the first wavefront corrector provides correction of phase distortions affecting the operation of the ground-based optical system without taking into account angular anisoplanatism, and the other wavefront correctors correct only atmospheric distortions affecting angular anisoplanatism. Practical significance. The results obtained in this work about the quantity and quality of the correctors can be used in the construction and modernisation of existing near space observation systems.
atmospheric phase distortion, angular isoplanatism, multiconjugate adaptive optical system, conjugation height of the wavefront corrector
OCIS codes: 140.0140, 350.1260
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