DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2025-92-02-67-75
УДК: 531.787.5; 539.3
Statistical model of mechano-luminescence fiber optic sensor of indicator polymer coating
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Паньков А.А. Статистическая модель оптоволоконного механолюминесцентного датчика индикаторного полимерного покрытия // Оптический журнал. 2025. Т. 92. № 2. С. 67–75.
Pan′kov A.A. Statistical model of mechano-luminescence fiber optic sensor of indicator polymer coating [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2025. V. 92. № 2. P. 67–75. http://
Subject of study. Fiber-optic indicator mechanoluminescent polymer coating for diagnosing external force effects. Aim of study. Development of mathematical models and algorithms for finding the location of single and statistical characteristics of multiple force action on the surface of the indicator polymer coating with a light guide built in the form of an Archimedes spiral, doped with randomly distributed encapsulated mechanoluminescent particles. Method. Basic principles of functioning and arrangement of mechanoluminescent fibre-optic sensor and, in general, indicator polymer coating under action of single and multiple force action are formulated. The unique properties of the Archimedes spiral were revealed, with the use of which the optical method of locating the epicenter of the force effect was developed; approach is most efficient for indicator polymer coating with large number of turns and small spiral pitch of mechanoluminescent light guide. Methods of statistical mechanics of composites, mathematical physics and Fredholm integral equations of the 1st kind were used. Main results. Disclosed is a simple algorithm for locating the epicentre of a single force effect based on the measurement result of time intervals between light pulses at the output of the light guide. An algorithm has been developed for finding the spectrum of multiple forces distributed over the surface of the indicator coating from successive solutions of two integral Fredholm equations of the 1st kind based on the measurement result of the integral informative fluorescent light flux at the output of the light guide for different values of the control light flux entering the light guide. Practical significance. Invention proposes solution of actual problem of indication and quantitative evaluation of external force effects acting on long aerodynamic surface in the form of hail impacts, concrete crumb from under front wheel at take-off from runway, space debris particles for the purpose of monitoring preservation of strength and aerodynamic characteristics of aerospace engineering elements. The use of light flux as a control effect provides significant advantages over similar indicator coatings using electrical control signals.
indicator polymer coating, fibre-optic sensor, mechanoluminescence, optical reflectometry, numerical modelling
Acknowledgements:the study was funded by Perm krai and the Russian Science Foundation (Project № 24-21-20026)
OCIS codes: 060.2370, 120.5475
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