Our authors
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Central Research and Development Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, Moscow, Russia
Branch of Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of Siberian Branch of RAS "Technological Institute of Applied Microelectronics", Novosibirsk, Russia
Dr. Sc. (Engineering)
Television Scientific Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Full professor
Military Educational and Scientific Center of Airforce "Zhukovskyi and Gagarin Airforce Academy", Voronezh, Russia
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics)
Arifov Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
PhD (Engineering)
Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk, Russia
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS - branch of the Federal Scientific Research Center "Crystallography and Photonics" of RAS, Samara, Russia
Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics)
Research and Engineering Center of Microelectronics and Submicron Heterostructures of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China