Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2005. V. 72. № 9.
Semiconductor physics and optoelectronics elements
Czuprynski K., Gasowska J., Tykarska M., Kula P., Sokóyl E., Piecek W., Oton J., Castillo M.
Orthoconic antiferroelectric liquid crystalline materialsDabrowski R., Dziaduszek J., Spadlo A., Urban S., Scibior E., Gauza S., Wu S.
Liqiud crystalline materials with high birefringenceDabrowski R., Dziaduszek J., Stolarz Z., Kedzierski J.
Liquid crystalline materials with low ordinary indexOlifierczuk M., Zielinski J.
The contrast ratio in a reflective liquid crystal display with a nematic phaseNazarov V.G., Parshin, A.M., Gunyakov V.A., Zyryanov, V.Y., Shabanov V.F.
Optical anisotropy of uniaxially oriented films of polymer-encapsulated liquid crystalsGalyametdinov Y.G., Kuznetsov P.A., Tomilin M.G.
Using liquid crystals with giant diamagnetic anisotropy to study the domain structure in magnetic materialsSychev, M.M., Nakanishi, Y., Kominami H., Hatanaka Y.
Improving the cathodoluminescent properties of thin films of Y2O3:Eu by doping with zinc and laser annealingRodniy, P.A., Potapov A.S., Voloshinovskii A.S., Stryganyuk G.B.
The development of new phosphors with high quantum efficiencySiglovaya N.V., Vorobiev, V.A., Sinel'nikov B.M., Kargin N.I.
Study of the factors that affect the efficiency of low-voltage cathodoluminescence of submicron particles of Y2O3:EuVorobiev, V.A.
Investigation of thermally stimulated luminescence of zinc oxide with low-voltage excitationVorobiev, V.A., Siglovaya N.V., Sinel'nikov B.M., Kargin N.I.
Investigation of the excitation function in the Y2O3:Eu-Gd2O3:Eu system in the voltage range 300-1000 VSurman P., Sexton I., Bates R., Lee W., Yow K.
The construction and performance of a multi-viewer 3DTV displayDenisyuk Y.N., Brui E.B., Orlov, V.V.
Method of forming an autostereoscopic imageAndreev A.L., Bobylev Y.P., Gubasaryan N.A., Kompanets I.N., Pozhidaev E.P., Fedosenkova T.B., Shoshin V.M., Shumkina Y.P.
Electric-field-controlled light scattering in ferroelectric liquid crystalsMarshall P.
Instrumentation techniques for the automatic alignment of large, tiled fixed matrix displayIvanov V.A., Mikhailov O.M., Tomilin M.G.
Contrast and luminance of an image on a water screen subjected to external illumination by natural radiation sourcesKornev, A.F., Kuchma I.G., Pokrovskiy, V.P., Soms L.N.
Efficient brightness intensification of binary and gray-scale images in a saturated laser amplifierBelyaev, V.V.
Using substrates with various surface microreliefs in optoelectronics and information-display devicesBelyaev, V.V., Kushnir E.M., Klyshkov A.V., Tsoi V.I.
Numerical modeling of the diffraction of light at periodic anisotropic gratings with rectangular surface microreliefBocharova T.V., Karapetyan G.O.
Microlens rasters and a technology for fabricating them