Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 3.
Laser physics and technique
Anisimova, T.E., Malinin, A.N.
Increasing the pumping efficiency in high-power laser systems using spiral electrodesEgorov, M.S., Rezunkov, Y.A., Repina, E.V., Safronov, A.L.
Laser corrective propulsion plant for spacecraftMakin, V.S., Pestov, Y.I., Kohns, P.
Temperature dependence of the damping of a surface electromagnetic wave on nickelBedrin, A.G., Mironov, I.S., Dashuk, S.P.
High-power plasma radiator for pulsed and continuous irradiationBedrin, A.G., Borisova, N.F., Osipov, V.M., Rogovtsev, P.N.
Attenuation of the light radiated by a high-temperature source in the atmosphere: Allowing for cloudinessSidorovskiy, N.V., Smirnov, V.A., Starchenko, A.N.
Experimental investigation of the scattering of UV laser radiation in the near-earth atmosphereSakyan, A.S., Sidorovskiy, N.V., Starchenko, A.N.
Using a comparison method in field studies of the optical characteristics of objectsDmitriev, E.I., Pudikov, A.V., Sakyan, A.S., Sidorovskiy, N.V., Starchenko, A.N., Filippov, V.G.
Multispectral measurement complexes and their metrological assuranceIconics - the science of the image
Sheremetieva, T.A., Filippov, G.N., Malov, A.M.
The transformation of images using similarity to a standard and its applicationMedennikov, P.A.
Algorithm for constructing a convex envelope and evaluating the convexity characteristics of objects on digital imagesCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Lovchiy, I.L.
Compensating the birefringence effects of the elements of the optical channel when a polarization method is used to determine the relative rotation of objectsPavlov, N.I., Yasinskiy, G.I.
Compact airborne multispectral scanning devicePotapova, N.I., Tsvetkov, A.D.
Projection objective for focusing laser radiationOptical instrumentation and technology
Borodin, V.G., Rozivika, I.G., Charukhchev, A.V., Chekal, V.N.
Parameters of the fine-structure error of large disk-shaped active elements when they are shaped with a compact toolSolk, S.V., Yakovlev, A.A.
Technology for fabricating compact mirrors from magnesium alloys