УДК: 535.14
Nonlinear absorption of femtosecond light pulses accompanying two-photon resonance in bulk crystals and nanostructures
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Publication in Journal of Optical Technology
Перлин Е.Ю., Елисеев К.А., Идрисов Э.Г., Халилов Я.Т. Нелинейное поглощение фемтосекундных световых импульсов при двухфотонном резонансе в объемных кристаллах и наноструктурах // Оптический журнал. 2011. Т. 78. № 9. С. 3–12.
Perlin E.Yu., Eliseev K.A., Idrisov E.G., Khalilov Ya.T. Nonlinear absorption of femtosecond light pulses accompanying two-photon resonance in bulk crystals and nanostructures [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 9. P. 3–12.
E. Yu. Perlin, K. A. Eliseev, É. G. Idrisov, and Ya. T. Khalilov, "Nonlinear absorption of femtosecond light pulses accompanying two-photon resonance in bulk crystals and nanostructures," Journal of Optical Technology. 78(9), 563-569 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1364/JOT.78.000563
A theory has been developed for the nonsteady-state absorption of supershort light pulses in bulk materials and heterostructures with quantum wells when two-photon resonance occurs at interband transitions as well as at transitions between discrete states or between size-quantization sublevels (subbands). Analytical expressions have been obtained for the nonlinear polarizabilities that determine how much energy is absorbed from a femtosecond light pulse. The dependences of the absorbed energy on the detunings of the two-photon resonances and on the pulse widths have been obtained.
two-photon transitions, nonlinear polarizabilities, femtosecond light pulses, crystals, nanostructures, quantum dots
Acknowledgements:The research was supported by analytical departmental traget program "Development of higher school scientific potential" (projects Nos. 2.1.1/9200, 9653) and RFBR (grant No. 09-02-00223).
OCIS codes: 190.0190, 320.0320, 300.0300