Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2011. V. 78. № 9.
Physical optics
Perlin, E.Y., Eliseev, K.A., Idrisov, E.G., Khalilov, Y.T.
Nonlinear absorption of femtosecond light pulses accompanying two-photon resonance in bulk crystals and nanostructuresLevitskiy, R.S., Perlin, E.Y., Popov, A.A.
Multiphoton generation of electron–hole pairs in crystals with deep impurities. II. Cascade processesAllenov, M.I., Artyukhov, A.V., Tretiyakov, D.N., Tretiyakov, N.D.
Studying the counterradiation of a cloudy sky in the daytime and at night in the 8–13-µm rangeCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Ermolaeva, E.V., Zverev, V.A., Koroleva, I.A., Timoshchuk, I.N.
Position of the entrance pupil of an optical system made from two reflecting surfaces with isoplanatic and anastigmatic correction of primary aberrationsZverev, V.A., Timoshchuk, I.N.
Generalized parametric model of an optical system and its analysisNosov, P.A., Pavlov, V.Y., Pakhomov, I.I., Shirankov, A.F.
Aberrational synthesis of optical systems intended for the conversion of laser beamsHolography
Koreshev, S.N., Korepin, I.N.
Choosing the synthesis parameters of focused-image hologram–projectorsIconics - the science of the image
Varentsova, S.A., Trofimov, V.A.
Reconstructing the profile of a laser beam by measuring its power in a sequence of bandsOptical instrumentation and technology
Zakharov, V.P., Timchenko, E.V., Timchenko, P.E., Makurina, O.N., Zolotukhina, A.D., Alembekov, S.V.
Monitoring atmospheric contaminants by a backscattering methodAmosova, L.P., Volkova, M.N.
Optically addressed light modulators with a large photoinduced phase incrementVishnyakov, G.N., Levin, G.G., Lomakin, A.G.
Measuring the phase difference when there is linear birefringence in a differential phase polarimeter with a rotating analyzerKang, Uk, Papayan, G.V., Berezin, V.B., Bae, Soo-Jin, Kim, S.V., Petrishchev, N.N.
Multispectral fluorescence organoscopes for in vivo studies of laboratory animals and their organsDoladugina V.S.
A Twyman interferometer whose wave-front quality is determined only by the surface errors of its optical elements