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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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DOI: 10.17586/1023-5086-2024-91-02-76-87

УДК: 538.911: 535.33:535.345.61:538.935

Growth and characterization of nBn structures based on CdxHg1–xTe for photodetectors in the 3–5 µm spectral range

For Russian citation (Opticheskii Zhurnal):

Михайлов Н.Н., Варавин В.С., Дворецкий С.А., Менщиков Р.В., Ремесник В.Г., Ужаков И.Н. Рост и характеризация nBn-структур на основе СdхHg1–хTe для фотоприёмников спектрального диапазона 3–5 мкм // Оптический журнал. 2024. Т. 91. № 2. С. 76–87.


Mikhailov N.N., Varavin V.S., Dvoretsky S.A., Menshchikov R.V., Remesnik Vl.G., Uzhakov I.N. Growth and characterization of nBn structures based on CdxHg1–xTe for photodetectors in the 3–5 µm spectral range [in Russian] // Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2024. V. 91. № 2. P. 76–87.

For citation (Journal of Optical Technology):

Nikolay N. Mikhailov, Vasily S. Varavin, Sergey A. Dvoretsky, Roman V. Menshchikov, Vladimir G. Remesnik, and Ivan N. Uzhakov, "Growth and characterization of nBn structures based on CdxHg1–xTe for photodetectors in the 3–5 µm spectral range," Journal of Optical Technology. 91(2), 105-111 (2024).


The subject of study is barrier nBn structures based on (013)CdxHg1–хTe/CdTe/ZnTe/GaAs solid solutions. The purpose of the work is the creation of barrier nBn structures based on CdxHg1–xTe solid solutions with given composition distribution profile and doping level intended for the manufacture of highly sensitive infrared photodetectors in the spectral range of 3–5 microns operating at elevated temperatures. Method. The growth of barrier nBn HgCdTe structures was carried out by molecular beam epitaxy on (013)GaAs substrates with ZnTe and CdTe buffer layers and control of the thickness and composition of the layers in real time by a high-speed ellipsometric method. Doping of the layers during the growth process to the required level was carried out with indium from a Knudsen-type effusion source with precision control of its temperature (flow). The composition and thickness of the layers were determined during the growth process from in-situ measurements of ellipsometric parameters, transmission and reflection spectra with sequential etching of the ex-situ layers. The concentration of the majority charge carriers in the grown structures was determined from Hall measurements by the Van Der Pauw method using layer-by-layer etching. Main results. The barrier nBn structures based on HgCdTe have been obtained. The parameters of the composition and thickness of the layers were 0.3–0.35, 0.6–0.8, 0.31–0.36 mole fractions and 3–4 µm, 0.2–0.35 µm, 1–1.3 µm for the absorbent, barrier and contact layers, respectively. The concentration of the main carriers was (0.6–3)х1016 cm–3, (0.6–3)х1016 cm–3 and (0.9–5)х1017 cm–3 for the absorbing, barrier and contact layers, respectively. A good correlation between the distribution profile of the composition and the doping level over the thickness of the grown structure, which is specified during the growth process with the results of subsequent post-growth measurements, has been shown. Practical significance. The results of growing and characterizing the nBn structure obtained in this work are intended for the development of infrared photodetectors for SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) technology with high sensitivity in the spectral range of 3–5 microns of various formats, operating at elevated temperatures, for infrared optoelectronic and thermal imaging devices.


nBn structures, composition, thickness, ellipsometric parameters, electron concentration, doping

this work was supported by RSF 23-62-10021

OCIS codes: 160.6000, 190.2620, 190.4350


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