Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2010. V. 77. № 1.
Physical optics
Zakharova, I.B., Kvyatkovskiy, O.E., Ermolaeva, G.M., Spitsyna, N.G., Shilov, V.B.
Nonlinear optical properties of fullerene-porphyrin complexesLaser physics and technique
Serebryakov, V.A., Boyko, E.V., Petrishchev, N.N., Yan, A.V.
Medical applications of mid-IR lasers. Problems and prospectsCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Grammatin, A.P., Sycheva, A.A.
Three-mirror telescope objective without screeningNosov, P.A., Pakhomov, I.I., Shirankov, A.F.
Analysis and synthesis of mirror-lens cavitiesIconics - the science of the image
Averkin, A.N., Potapov, A.S., Lutsiv, V.R.
Construction of systems of local invariant image indicators based on the Fourier-Mellin transformHolography
Koreshev, S.N., Nikanorov, O.V., Ivanov, Y.A., Kozulin, I.A.
Program system for synthesis and digital reconstruction of holograms-projectors: synthesis parameters effect on image reconstruction qualityOptical instrumentation and technology
Latyev, S.M., Smirnov, A.P., Frolov D.N., Tabachkov, A.G., Theska, R.
Providing target performance indices when automating the assembly of microscope objectivesAvdeev, S.M., Sosnin, E.A., Tarasenko V.F.
Factors that limit the service life of sealed chlorine-containing barrier-discharge exciplex lampsOptical material science and technology
Dukelskiy, K.V., Evstropiev, S.K.
Forming nanosize MgO coatings on a glass surfaceGorokhova, E.I., Demidenko V.A., Eronko, S.B., Rodniy, P.A., Mikhrin S.B., Oreshchenko, E.A.
Luminescence and scintillation properties of Gd2O2S:Eu optical ceramicAgruzov, P.M., Dukelskiy, K.V., Komarov, A.V., Ter-Nersesyants, E.V., Khokhlov, A.V., Shevandin, V.S.
Developing microstructured lightguides with a large core, and an investigation of their optical propertiesGainutdinov, I.S., Gusev, A.G., Dushin, A.V., Mustaev, R.M., Nasyrov, A.R., Mirkhanov, N.G., Mikhailov, A.V.
Directly monitoring the optical thicknesses of deposited layers on the working samples while they are being grownGavrishchuk, E.M., Vilkova, Е.Y., Timofeev, O.V., Kolesnikov, A.N.
Investigating the polished surfaces of zinc chalcogenides by computer recognition of defects on micrographsLetters to the editor
Savukov, V.V.
Breakdown of the isotropy of diffuse radiation as a consequence of its diffraction at multidimensional regular structures