Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2012. V. 79. № 10.
Mikhaĭlov M.A., Yashkina D.A.
Interaction of an impurity center with two-level systems in glasses and polymers, based on the spectral diffusion effectKhonina, S.N., Savel’ev D.A., Serafimovich P.G., Pustovoĭ I.A.
Diffraction at binary microaxicons in the near fieldLaser physics and technique
Vitkin V.V., Kuchma I.G., Lychagin D.I., Pokrovskiy, V.P., Polyakov, V.M.
Ways to enhance the efficiency of a system for lateral diode pumping of a YAG:Nd laserBagrov, I.V., Belousova, I.M., Grenishin A.S., Kiselev, V.M., Kislyakov, I.M., Mak A.A., Sosnov, E.N.
Modernized singlet-oxygen generator based on porous solid-phase fullerene-containing structuresCalculation, design and manufacture of optical systems
Bayova, Y.V., Khankov, S.I.
Analytical technique for calculating the thermal aberrations of a telescope during the transient regime of imaging earth’s surfaceHolography
Ionina N.V.
Features of the diffraction of supershort pulsed radiation in a system of superimposed transmitting volume phase holographic gratingsOptical instrumentation and technology
Leont’eva, A.I., Pinaev L.V., Seregin A.G.
A laser nonlinearity meter—“Laser String”Tarasenko V.F., Sosnin, E.A.
Barrier-discharge excilamps: history, operating principle, prospectsKhalid K.S., Zafrullah M., Bilal S.M., Mirza M.A.
Simulation and analysis of Gaussian apodized fiber Bragg grating strain sensorOptical material science and technology
Gorbacheva T.E., Lebedinskiĭ A.M., Lazarev I.V., Panikarskaya V.D., Kosinov N.N., Fedorov A.G.
Polycrystalline scintillators based on stilbene and their propertiesLetters to the editor
Yakovlev, V.A., Zhurenkov A.G., Shul’zhenko P.K., Musin L.F., Frolov A.P.
Optoacoustic aiming device for an underwater wireless optical communication system